We totally fell in love with this island! It is like a backpacker´s paradise!
We walk on the sandy beach full of mini bars and little restaurants. We left our flip flops and boots “at home” – if feels so hippy, but good! There is no point to struggle with shoes on, because the sand is everywhere! The early evening breeze is stroking our cheeks and our eyes are drowning in beautiful white waves of clear water gently sliding back and forth. Many colourful wooden boats are rocking on the shiny surface… they look like they´re dancing.
We are looking for something to eat (surprisingly). I have a feeling that this trip is just about finding something to eat :-D. We have a different issue on this island though – we don´t know what to choose from so many options! Haha I told you this island is a paradise!
We asked for some recommendations from the “local tourists” – which narrowed the choices down. We can pick from extra cheap places to cheap yummy places. And there it is – such a cosy wooden restaurant called “Nice Food” – they couldn´t pick more accurate name for it! We fell in love with this place – they made us unforgettably yummy green coconut curry we almost cried with happiness while eating it!
When we walk back to the room with full happy tummies we see many “happy hours” everywhere. We actually never make it to the room, because we have 1+1 cocktail here and when that one finishes the neighbour bar has 1+1 happy hour starting and that way we keep going on for a few hours. We even bump into Ana and Andreia (the Portuguese girls we met on the way here) so we have a lovely company, many travel stories to share with each other and truly, there is no point to rush into the room, which is full of mosquitoes and feels like a furnace.
In the end I finally reached my “plan” of sitting on the beach with a “Sex on the beach” in my hand, drawing pictures into the sand with my toes, watching the huge moon rising (it was a full moon yesterday) reflecting from the shiny sea and being absolutely relaxed and happy. Well more I need is only – Pinacolada, Long Island Ice Tea and… more more yummy refreshing cocktails!
And when we keep walking from bar to bar trying to make our way home, there is always something that stops us. We have to try the beer here (because it is half price), and we have to cut some shapes on the dance floor here and there! Ohh look, there is a pub-crawl (massive group of people) – lets get lost among them and get some free drinks!
Daaaamn, we are so NOT use to drink! We end up walking home at 3 o´clock in the morning. Slightly rocking from side to side through the narrow aisle which goes to our “home”, trying to be as quiet as possible as there are signs everywhere about “being quiet” and not bothering locals at night hours. Steve almost dies by stumbling over a chicken. “Hey look, the chicken is not afraid of me at all. Hiccup.”, he is looking at it with his head on a side. “Hey I believe I can catch it… hiccup… it is tame!” “Don´t you dare!” I am loudly whispering, but I can see it is like talking into the wind. He is already holding it in his hands having a very loud hiccup and being very excited like a little boy – haha ohhh yeah – he caught a chicken. 😀 You should see him, I am laughing and trying to make him to drop it. But he walks around like a chicken – big long steps, bouncing his head back and forth like a chicken and making a loud “POK POK”. Ohhh my God, I am in hysterics.
“Let it go!” I am laughing as quiet as I can. “Let that poor stressed chicken go! It is going to shit all over you! And sssssh be quiet or we are gonna get in troubles!” Well he drops it in the end, but that doesn´t stop him make a chicken moves and “poc poc” noises, repeating all over and over: “I caught a chicken haha – poc poc – hiccup. Haha did you see it? I caught – hiccup – a chicken! Poc poc…” while literary climbing quite steep wooden stairs up to our room using his hands.
Ohhh maaaan – save us! I hope we will survive the boat trip we´ve booked for tomorrow afternoon. Haha the best parties are always the ones you don´t plan. I feel we finally got into the holiday mood! Yaaaaay … “hiccup” 😀 😀 😀 (Lets see if Steve reads my posts 😀 – because he is going to kill me if he reads this one 😀
