Teal Vickrey je američanka, která u nás na škole učí na jeden rok angličtinu. Je milá, usměvavá a pořádá každou středu v kavárně writing club. Výzva přijata. Nad kafíčkem nebo čajem si povídáme s holkama o nesmrtelnosti chrousta a řešíme všechno možné a nemožné. A taky samozřejmě píšeme (anglicky). A já jsem se rozhodla, po dlouhém uvažování, že na blog budu házet některé své výtvory. Začneme dopisem pro neživou věc. (Svému doposud nenarozenému dítěti už jsem psala.)

Hey there! 
It’s me again. The person, who you see everyday. The person, who can be proud to have you. You do a great job, guys. It’s not because you enable me to see the beauty of the world, but you show me also the dark side. You show me, that not everything is perfect. Even I. (haha)
You can be blinded from love, jealousy or fear. You can be a little paranoid, if you want to, but mostly you are right. You can give someone that look, that says, that I am really in love, you can also tell someone to shut up. With just one look! Amazing. 

And you are beautiful and I really like you. Not because you are just as my mother’s and father’s eyes, it’s another reason. In some way, you make me feel pretty. Not always, that’s true. But you can make me happy. And nothing else matters.  

(And I am so sorry for all the tears, that bother you every time I watch a sad movie. I just can’t help myself.) 

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