Beautiful 4 days of family time ♥ And 1 is yet to come…
Nina enjoyed Halloween so much – our little witch 🙂
We did pumpking carving, baked an apple pie, watched E.T., … btw. who esle watched Stranger Things 2 during the weekend?
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the week!
Krásne 4 dni rodinnej pohody ♥ A to nás ešte jeden čaká…
Ninka si naplno užila Halloween – naša malá čarodejnica 🙂
Vyrábali sme halloweenske tekvice, upiekli jablkový koláč, pozerali E.T.ho… mimochodom, kto z vás pozeral cez víkend Stranger Things 2?
Majte krásny zvyšok týždňa!